A journey of self realization and acceptance through art
Lastly, My Dearest White People…
“A letter to white people about some of our interactions during my lifetime” - a poetic extended version of “Darkness of Which I’ve Spun” essay, depicting core memories of growing up in dominantly southern white suburban areas and how what was once “the living dream” as a child, is now just a haunting fairytale to me as an adult.
“Darkness of Which I’ve Spun”
As a person of mixed race, I misunderstood both sides of who I am and I spent my life pushing my black qualities into the shadows in an attempt to embody somebody that I could never be. This piece allowed me to melt away the white feminine ideals that have kept me disconnected and ashamed of myself for so long.
“Old Friends”
Reconnecting with my black and white heritage through the physical blending of colors displayed in this painting titled Old Friends.